Volume 2
AVPhD Issue
This Volume is dedicated to doctoral work from the AVPhD Network - AVPhD was the name given to an AHRC funded training and support network for all those doing, supervising and examining audio-visual practice based doctorates. The network was launched in September 2005 after it had been suggested that HE institutions were working with a number of different models of the relation between theory and practice, and with differing expectations about what is submissable at PhD level. As a consequence, the AVPhD Network was set up by the University of Westminster to provide collaborative training provision for doctoral students (alongside supervisors and examiners).
Volume 2 was edited by Professor Jon Dovey and associate editor Govinda Dickman. The DVD was originally distributed with a dedicated volume of The Journal of Media Practice Volume 9.1 (March 2008). The DVD of Volume 2 is available for purchase - please us if you'd like to buy an individual copy or purchase one for your library.
Looping Snapshots (9’ 27”) (Silvia Casini)

Crossings in a Beautiful Time(25’ 44) (Aparna Sharma)