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Welcome to JMP Screenworks
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Screenworks |
Papers | In Development | ||
Call for submissions for Screenworks, a peer-reviewed publication of academic screen media practice research. |
We welcome papers that explore all aspects of media practice including history, contemporary developments and future explorations. |
The In Development section provides an exciting and panoramic range of projects in the field of media practice. |
Latest Features
Vacancy: Editor, Journal of Media Practice
Expressions of interest are sought for this unpaid but highly responsible post. The post will be assisted by a supportive Editorial Board.
The JMP has achieved a well-deserved international reputation as the peer-reviewed source of research and teaching reflection about media practice. Published four times per year by Intellect (further details available from, this is the only print-based peer-reviewed journal to focus on practice based media teaching and research. The JMP also supports a very successful annual symposium on research through media practice, with Roehampton hosting the 2014 symposium.
The Editorial Board is seeking interest from individuals/teams who will be supported by their institution, i.e. from those who are not only able to bring appropriate personal skills to the post, but who can also provide a home for the editorial operation. Currently, the University of Salford offers administration, office and contact support. It is important that at least this level of support will be made available by applicants. In addition the journal currently has a Books/Film Editor, Zahera Harb, and a JMPScreenworks Digital Editor, Steve Presence.
The Editorial Board would first like to receive expressions of interest from suitably experienced and interested applicants, accompanied by a statement of intent and a short CV. The statement of intent should outline firstly (and briefly) a vision for the future development of JMP, and secondly a realistic assessment of how the JMP might be supported by both the applicant and the host institution.
Please send expressions of interest and a CV by November 4th to the Chair of the Editorial Board, Cahal McLaughlin () to whom specific questions may also be addressed.
Call for Contributions
Following the launch of the new website at the Journal of Media Practice Symposium last summer, we are seeking contributions in a variety of forms from the academic, postgraduate and professional media communities. The principle aim is to do what paper-based publishing is unable to do - provide an exciting and responsive service to media practice communities in the UK and beyond. Read our full mission statement here.
We invite contributions of films, videos, works-in-progress, installations, draft papers/articles, news items, features - anything relating to ongoing research, projects and practice. All contributions will be subject to review and approval by the journal editor, Prof Gareth Palmer.
The Screenworks section also contains details on the separate submission procedure for peer-review of practice (edited by Dr Charlotte Crofts).
Please send your website contributions in the first instance to . Or get in touch should you wish to discuss an idea/proposal for a potential contribution with us.
We recommend reading Impact Mindset.
Curzon Memories App wins BUFVC Learning on Screen Award for best non-broadcast multimedia
Charlotte Crofts' app won the prize for best non-broadcast multimedia at the British Universities Film and Video Council coveted Learning on Screen Awards.
The Awards were presented at a gala event at BFI Southbank, with a keynote speech by Shami Chakrabarti The app is a location based tour of the Curzon Community Cinema in Clevedon that uses GPS and QR codes to trigger oral history, dramatisation, rephotography and video as you explore the inside and the outside of the building and the cinema's unique collection of cinema projectors. Celebrating the Curzon's centenary, the app uses the affordances of mobile technologies to explore the cinema's heritage, the history of cinema-going and cinema technology. Jurer Ian Wall from Film Educaiton described the app as “an impressive and innovative use of app technology, with strong educational insight into the cinema.” Read more about the project here, where you can also watch videos and download the app for Android or iOS devices.
Ultimate Footprint: A Day in Digital Life
As the human data trail now begins prior to conception and continues after death, this short documentary by Johan Jakobson asks, what is the size of our digital footprint in 2011, and how does it relate to our identity?
Read more about the project here.
Murder, mayhem, celebrity and corruption - had enough of that?
Gary Copitch, Chief Executive of People's Voice Media talks to JMPScreenworks about Media City, community reporting and 'good news' stories.
Follow Gary's work with People's Voice Media at and read/watch some 'good news' stories at .